Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi was born Andrea Almasi at Hendersonville in Tennessee in June 6th, 1985. In December of 2005, she was as a model on NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal as Briefcase Model of the Year. 19. AJ was raised as a "tomboy" from Hendersonville Tennessee sporting braces and glasses. She didn't think that she could do this, but she loves the process. A friend and family member told AJ she was a "bubbly girl" because of her "bubbly character" she was capable of achieving whatever. Almasi soon transformed into a gorgeous, glamorous model when she moved into Los Angeles to begin a career as a model and acting. Aj Almasi's real name is Andrea Almasi. She was hired as one the 26 Briefcase Models for the new NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal in December 2005. Deal or No Deal (2005, Bikini destination (2003) as well as The Late Late Show (2005) are among her most notable parts. she stood beside Briefcase AJ is focused on her career in acting and modeling on the set of L.A. and hopes to take on in the future.

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